The Current Councillors are:
Broad Chalke has nine councillors to represent the electorate.
The Parish Council meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Meetings are at 7.00pm in the Gurston Room of the Village Hall, South Street, Broad Chalke.
Members of the public are welcomed to attend Council meetings and can ask for items to be placed on the Agenda by contacting the Clerk. As Agenda are published about a week in advance of the meeting items for the Agenda need to be communicated to the Clerk prior to this. Members of the public may be invited to speak at a Parish Council meeting but otherwise are not entitled to speak.
The current Council was elected following the May 2021 elections..
The new Council took office on 10 May 2021 to serve a 4 year term.
Your Council Members
Mr Tom Hitchings (Chairman) - Rights of Way
Mr Matthew Pickford (Vice Chairman) - Emergency Plan
Mrs Emma Richter - Carbon Neutral; Volunteers Register
Mr Tim Kimber - Neighbourhood Watch, Village Green Noticeboard Project
Mr Simon Dawes - Social Media; Neighbourhood Watch
Mr Justin Allison - TBC
Mr Steve Carter - Finance & Assets; Crystal Clear Ebble Project
VACANT - Highways & Planning
Martin Altham- Playground Replacement Project
John Fry-
The Clerk to the Council is Mr C Rothwell and can be contacted at [email protected]
The Wiltshire Councillor for this ward in Councillor Nabil Najjar.
Broad Chalke has nine councillors to represent the electorate.
The Parish Council meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Meetings are at 7.00pm in the Gurston Room of the Village Hall, South Street, Broad Chalke.
Members of the public are welcomed to attend Council meetings and can ask for items to be placed on the Agenda by contacting the Clerk. As Agenda are published about a week in advance of the meeting items for the Agenda need to be communicated to the Clerk prior to this. Members of the public may be invited to speak at a Parish Council meeting but otherwise are not entitled to speak.
The current Council was elected following the May 2021 elections..
The new Council took office on 10 May 2021 to serve a 4 year term.
Your Council Members
Mr Tom Hitchings (Chairman) - Rights of Way
Mr Matthew Pickford (Vice Chairman) - Emergency Plan
Mrs Emma Richter - Carbon Neutral; Volunteers Register
Mr Tim Kimber - Neighbourhood Watch, Village Green Noticeboard Project
Mr Simon Dawes - Social Media; Neighbourhood Watch
Mr Justin Allison - TBC
Mr Steve Carter - Finance & Assets; Crystal Clear Ebble Project
VACANT - Highways & Planning
Martin Altham- Playground Replacement Project
John Fry-
The Clerk to the Council is Mr C Rothwell and can be contacted at [email protected]
The Wiltshire Councillor for this ward in Councillor Nabil Najjar.