URGENT: Call to action – Salisbury District Hospital needs extra volunteers
We are looking for assistance with two volunteer roles as described below.
Ward Buddies This role supports ward staff to enable them to concentrate on the clinical tasks. Tasks will include moving equipment, answering the telephones, running errands, maintaining cleanliness of ward kitchen and general tidying up of patient areas, making patient drinks and delivering food. Full PPE will be issued as well as volunteer t-shirts. Enhanced buddy roles with more patient contact such as feeding some patients. These will require enhanced PPE. There will be a fast track deployment so most of the training will be on the job. We’re looking for you to ideally commit to a 2 – 4 hour session once a week every week for the foreseeable future. Volunteers need to complete a health questionnaire and health risk assessment as part of the recruitment process in order to ensure a suitable match. Volunteers must be over 17 years of age, fit and able to do a full shift on their feet and feel comfortable working under their own initiative within defined parameters, in an environment that may feel pressured at times. Free parking at the hospital is available when on shift and/or reasonable travel expenses will be paid.
Mass vaccination centre volunteer There is a new mass vaccination centre opening in the City centre from next week and potentially running through to the Summer. We are looking for volunteers to help marshal to move people through the vaccination hub from beginning to end, keeping orderly queue management and some administrative roles booking people in, etc. This role requires you to be stood on your feet for potentially long periods of time. We’re looking for you to ideally commit to a 4 hour session once a week for at least a month. Surgical masks will be worn. A simple fast track recruitment process will take place including a health risk assessment. There will be on the job training. Free parking in Salisbury city centre will be available when on shift.
If you are interested in either or both roles, please email us on [email protected]stating which role is of interest, your name and contact details, and for the ward buddy whether you have any previous experience volunteering or working in a hospital or medical environment, which is not necessary but could be beneficial.
Thank you for considering this and we look forward to hearing from you.
Please stay safe and well.
Best wishes
Jo Jarvis and Monica Wilson
Voluntary Services Team Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust – Salisbury District Hospital [email protected]
Bowerchalk and Broad Chalke Covid 19 Network Local services to support residents during the COVID Pandemic
Collection of prescription medicines – Chalke Valley LINK Scheme 01722 780800 and they will explain the procedure to you.
Deliveries from Chalke Valley Stores - Contact 01722 780998 with your order they will explain how payment can be made and arrange delivery.
MARCH 2020 As you will be aware the situation with regard to the Coronavirus and the UK response to it is changing rapidly. What is clear is that as a community we need to help and protect those who are most vulnerable to this virus. Following the Parish Council meeting earlier this week, the Broad Chalke COVID 19 Support Network has been created to do just that. This has since been linked with Bowerchalke, and the two communities are developing the Network jointly. Liaison is also taking place with Bishopstone and their Emergency Planning Group.
At this point the Network can help those who are 'self-isolating' to: -Obtain and have delivered essential food supplies and medication, and - Have a regular friendly chat on the phone
If you or anyone you know is 'self isolating' please let us know and we can help them get any support they might need.
Regular, dated updates will be listed below.
UPDATE NUMBER 1: 14 MARCH 2020 An update to the household leaflet produced by the Network and that was distributed last week has been made to reflect the latest NHS guidance opposite. A copy of this is in the file attachment below.
UPDATE NUMBER 2: 16 MARCH 2020 Information on how to reduce the risk of infection is set out in the leaflet below which was published in the Sunday Times.
UPDATE NUMBER 3: 16 MARCH 2020 Following the Prime Minister broadcast earlier today where he set out that people over 70 years of age stay at home , from this coming weekend for 12 weeks; new advice on whole household isolation for 14 days; and extended the advice on increasing social distancing, Nicki and Nigel have raised the appeal for Hub volunteers as most of the regulars that keep the shop running are in the 70+ age group. In order to keep the shop running and providing the support to our community there is an urgent need for additional help. If you have spare time that you could use helping in the shop, and you are free from any Covid-19 symptoms and there are no household members with symptoms, Tony Patel would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact Tony direct on 01722 780998 or [email protected]
UPDATE NUMBER 3: 18 MARCH 2020 Wiltshire Council has circulated a briefing note with updated information and useful links. Please see the attachment below. Nigel and Nicki are continuing to setup networks and systems to better provide what our community is likely to require. Neighborhood co-ordinators (to volunteer to look after a small area/street and be the eyes and ears for that area) are currently being established. Contact Nicki and Nigel if you feel you are able to help.