4.Welcome to the Broad Chalke Parish Council Website.
You can use this site to access agendas and minutes, accounts and other formal documents as well as other useful information.
Use the 'Pages' tab on the tool bar above to navigate around the website.
You can also keep track of council events & local news by following us on Facebook & Twitter.
August 2024 UPDATE
The next Parish Council meeting is on Wednesday 11 September at 7.00pm at Broad Chalke Village Hall.
The Annual Parish Meeting took place on Wednesday 8 May 2024 and was attended by 35 village residents. The meeting heard presentations on the Neighbourhood Plan and on progress with the affordable homes planning application. Exciting plans on the new playground were displayed and PC Mat Boon updated on Neighbourhood Policing. Residents also heard about proposals for a new village notice board and received updates on progress with the Village Action Plan.
There was a question and answer session and an opportunity for residents to highlights areas to consider for village priorities over the next year.
The Chairman recognised the 30 years service to the village by Edward Fry who had stepped down as a councillor.
If you have any issues or concerns please raise with the clerk or attend the next Parish Council meeting.
This followed the village meeting. Tom Hitchings was appointed as Chairman and Mathew Pickford as Vice Chairman.
John Fry was coopted as a new councillor.
The 2023/24 Annual Governance and Accounting Return was agreed and the dates for the Public Rights Period were set for the period 3 June 2024 to 12 July 2024. This is the period when any person has the right to inspect and make copies of the Council's accounting records. This can be done by contacting the Clerk: [email protected]
See Public Notices for the Notice of Public Rights
Minutes of both meetings will be published shortly.
You will now have received you Council Tax bill for 2024/2025. This includes a one off Special Precept that the Chairman wrote about in the December 2023 Broadsheet to help fund key village initiatives.
Are you interested in helping to look after our village, its community facilities and the landscape in which we are so fortunate to live by investing a few hours each year volunteering.
Our first project was Friday 22 March 0930-11.30- LOW LANE FOOTPATH- to help maintain the drainage ditches we upgraded last year. If you would be interested in being involved in future activities please contact the Clerk.
This will be published on Annual Governance Statement tab on the header of this page shortly.
See Accounts page for copy of the Statement ion Income and Expenditure for 2023/2024.
Anyone interested in being part of a Neighbourhood Watch for Broad Chalke should initially contact the Clerk. A Neighbourhood Watch Group has been formed and small grant received for notices and information. The Coordinators are Cllr Tim Kimber, and Chris Rothwell.
The Scheme is free to join and you can find details by going to www.ourwatch.org.uk/join, putting in your postcode in the box that says Find my nearest Scheme and select Broad Chalke. Once you have activated your membership the coordinators will arrange to get a window sticker to you.
The Scheme is also promoting the Selecta DNA scheme- a forensic property marking scheme in conjunction with Wiltshire Police.
2024/2025: The Council have discussed and agreed a 3% increase for 2024/25 and a Special Precept of £10,000 for key projects and priorities in the 12 -18 month ahead. See the December 2023 Broadsheet for more information in the Chairman's letter.
Mrs Victoria Pickford and Cllr Martin Altham have set this Group up. Find out more on the Facebook page or via www.friendsofbroadchalkeplayground.co.uk
and on the news of grant funding from the National Lottery and other funders.
The Playground will open in July 2024.
These are available to charitable and community organisations in Broad Chalke. Please contact the Clerk.
The Parish Council is starting the process of updating the Plan in readiness for the new Plan period 2026-2038 in line with Wiltshire Council's Local Plan. If you have any thoughts on the current Plan (copy available in the Neighbourhood Plan section of this website) or have new ideas how you would like the village to respond and develop to the challenges of the next 15 years, please contact the Clerk or Councillor Steve Carter.
Alongside the Neighbourhood Plan, Village Priorities will be considered for a new Action Plan.
If you would like to know more about the process of Neighbourhood Plans there is a Guide at the Neighbourhood Plan secrion of this website.
You can use this site to access agendas and minutes, accounts and other formal documents as well as other useful information.
Use the 'Pages' tab on the tool bar above to navigate around the website.
You can also keep track of council events & local news by following us on Facebook & Twitter.
August 2024 UPDATE
The next Parish Council meeting is on Wednesday 11 September at 7.00pm at Broad Chalke Village Hall.
The Annual Parish Meeting took place on Wednesday 8 May 2024 and was attended by 35 village residents. The meeting heard presentations on the Neighbourhood Plan and on progress with the affordable homes planning application. Exciting plans on the new playground were displayed and PC Mat Boon updated on Neighbourhood Policing. Residents also heard about proposals for a new village notice board and received updates on progress with the Village Action Plan.
There was a question and answer session and an opportunity for residents to highlights areas to consider for village priorities over the next year.
The Chairman recognised the 30 years service to the village by Edward Fry who had stepped down as a councillor.
If you have any issues or concerns please raise with the clerk or attend the next Parish Council meeting.
This followed the village meeting. Tom Hitchings was appointed as Chairman and Mathew Pickford as Vice Chairman.
John Fry was coopted as a new councillor.
The 2023/24 Annual Governance and Accounting Return was agreed and the dates for the Public Rights Period were set for the period 3 June 2024 to 12 July 2024. This is the period when any person has the right to inspect and make copies of the Council's accounting records. This can be done by contacting the Clerk: [email protected]
See Public Notices for the Notice of Public Rights
Minutes of both meetings will be published shortly.
You will now have received you Council Tax bill for 2024/2025. This includes a one off Special Precept that the Chairman wrote about in the December 2023 Broadsheet to help fund key village initiatives.
Are you interested in helping to look after our village, its community facilities and the landscape in which we are so fortunate to live by investing a few hours each year volunteering.
Our first project was Friday 22 March 0930-11.30- LOW LANE FOOTPATH- to help maintain the drainage ditches we upgraded last year. If you would be interested in being involved in future activities please contact the Clerk.
This will be published on Annual Governance Statement tab on the header of this page shortly.
See Accounts page for copy of the Statement ion Income and Expenditure for 2023/2024.
Anyone interested in being part of a Neighbourhood Watch for Broad Chalke should initially contact the Clerk. A Neighbourhood Watch Group has been formed and small grant received for notices and information. The Coordinators are Cllr Tim Kimber, and Chris Rothwell.
The Scheme is free to join and you can find details by going to www.ourwatch.org.uk/join, putting in your postcode in the box that says Find my nearest Scheme and select Broad Chalke. Once you have activated your membership the coordinators will arrange to get a window sticker to you.
The Scheme is also promoting the Selecta DNA scheme- a forensic property marking scheme in conjunction with Wiltshire Police.
2024/2025: The Council have discussed and agreed a 3% increase for 2024/25 and a Special Precept of £10,000 for key projects and priorities in the 12 -18 month ahead. See the December 2023 Broadsheet for more information in the Chairman's letter.
Mrs Victoria Pickford and Cllr Martin Altham have set this Group up. Find out more on the Facebook page or via www.friendsofbroadchalkeplayground.co.uk
and on the news of grant funding from the National Lottery and other funders.
The Playground will open in July 2024.
These are available to charitable and community organisations in Broad Chalke. Please contact the Clerk.
The Parish Council is starting the process of updating the Plan in readiness for the new Plan period 2026-2038 in line with Wiltshire Council's Local Plan. If you have any thoughts on the current Plan (copy available in the Neighbourhood Plan section of this website) or have new ideas how you would like the village to respond and develop to the challenges of the next 15 years, please contact the Clerk or Councillor Steve Carter.
Alongside the Neighbourhood Plan, Village Priorities will be considered for a new Action Plan.
If you would like to know more about the process of Neighbourhood Plans there is a Guide at the Neighbourhood Plan secrion of this website.